NRCS Field Day At Cabin Hill Farm and meeting of the State Technical Committee

On Tuesday March 26, 2013 the Hanover – Caroline Soil and Water Conservation District was proud to assist Va NRCS in facilitating a meeting of the State Technical Committee. 

It was an NRCS meeting but our district assisted in logistics and set up.  The meeting  was held in the fellowship hall of a local church and the demonstrations were held at Cabin Hill Farm, the base of Engel Family Farms.

below are photos from the event taken by Marian Moody and Jim Tate of Hanover Caroline SWCD.


Dr Wade Thomason, Discussing his research and CIG grant

Dr Wade Thomason, Discussing his research and CIG grant

Chris Lawrence and Kevin Engel

Chris Lawrence and Kevin Engel

watching the rainfall simulator

watching the rainfall simulator

J B Daniel explaining what is happening and why

J B Daniel explaining what is happening and why

the rainfall simulator in action

the rainfall simulator in action

Chris Lawrence explaining what is going to happen

Chris Lawrence explaining what is going to happen


an actual slice of multispecies cover crop from a participant field

an actual slice of multispecies cover crop from a participant field

LOOK....I found a worm!!!

LOOK….I found a worm!!!


a slice of multispecies cover crop upside down

a slice of multispecies cover crop upside down

chris Lawrence expalining the basicis of soil health

chris Lawrence expalining the basicis of soil health

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four basic principles are the keys to building soil health

four basic principles are the keys to building soil health

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actual multi species cover crops on display

actual multi species cover crops on display

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Mr. Bricker presides over the meeting of the State Technical committee

Mr. Bricker presides over the meeting of the State Technical committee

Kevin Engel welcomes the audience to his farm

Kevin Engel welcomes the audience to his farm

The results are visual and dramatic

The results are visual and dramatic


J B Daniel Va NRCS Forage Agronomist

J B Daniel Va NRCS Forage Agronomist

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J B Daniel and Chris Lawrenece run the rainfall simulator

J B Daniel and Chris Lawrenece run the rainfall simulator

Rainfall simulator demo

Rainfall simulator demo

Chris Lawrence Va NRCS Cropland Agronomist talking about soil health

Chris Lawrence Va NRCS Cropland Agronomist talking about soil health

Jack Bricker Va NRCS State Conserveationist

Jack Bricker Va NRCS State Conserveationist

Tate is entralled by his younger mentor

Jim Tate, HCSWCD Conservation Specialist , telling stories

Jim Tate, HCSWCD Conservation Specialist , telling stories