75th Orbit around the Sun


Baby Jim
Photo courtesy of The Old Cowboy Archives

As I take keyboard in hand to begin drafting this epistle, I discover that apparently I let last years celebration go unheralded.

Born in 1948, I officially register 75 years existence next week.

I have normally chronicled the year but this year has almost passed me by with little to report on that I have not chronicled in previous correspondence.

The major change in my life this year is the loss of equilibrium, which has previously been reported.

I fell twice this past week….once was not my fault…..I stepped on a walnut in the back .yard and it rolled out from under me.  I am not sure what tripped me the other time, but sometimes it does not take much.  I can not climb a ladder or even step up on a chair to change a light bulb.

This meant that I had to quit riding my equines….I have long been worried about what would become of them if some misfortune ended my existence or my ability to care for them.  After much thought I decided that the best thing for them was to rehome them.  I was so fortunate that all of them have gone to better homes than they had here and are enjoyed in their new homes.  That was both the worst and the best thing that happened to me this year. I miss them terribly, but I am so happy that they all went to good homes where they are appreciated and loved and well cared for. For anyone who may have missed it, I will link to a previous missive which outlines the causation and results of the changes in equine status.  It also mentions the current bovine residents.

As a change in activity was needed in order to keep my heart and lungs pumping, I increased my walking….I have been walking for quite a while but I rededicated to it and try to get in at least 3 miles every other day.  Being a glutton for punishment I also joined a 24 hour workout facility.    It has multiple treadmills, stationary bicycles and rowing machines all which are computerized…. These computerized implements of torture are very boring but allow me to do cardio in inclement weather.  also weight lifting machines and free weights….I try to lift on the days between walking….usually try to go first thing in the morning and then I am pretty much worthless the rest of the day.  Today was a pretty good workout day….tomorrow  is a walking day.

Saw two of my many doctors this week and both continue to be surprised that I am still alive  and showing up for appointments…..I will see the Veterans Administration hearing doctor next week….I outlived one of my hearing aids. 

So without any fanfare, three days from now I will mark three quarters of a century of bothering people….I never expected to live this long.

One comment on “75th Orbit around the Sun

  1. Faulkner says:

    Hi Jim


    div>(I’m behind

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